Life and Love


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fate? Yes? No? Maybe So?

So I have talked about love and working relationships amongst any two (or more) parties so far. I have also set up a few links on the sidebar for anyone who is interested in exploring more on the topic. There are also numerous self - help books that can help with improving personal life and giving one more confidence in his or her dealings with people. As mentioned in the first post, this blog is also dedicated to exploring the idea of fate. Is everything predetermined? Do we really have free will and free choice? This is one notion that has been toyed with for centuries and that can provide enough fuel for a lot of debate.

I personally believe that we have free will and choice and that we do everything consciously. However, I also feel that the actions that we take were ones we were destined to take. I know, it sounds contradictory. I do not mean to say that if we just sit in one place and claim that things will happen because they were "meant to" they will happen. NO. But what I do believe is that whatever we do do, is because we were "meant to." And if we stray from our original path and believe that we have defied fate, I think fate or destiny meant for us to switch paths anyhow. It is an illusive sense of control. I believe there is a good mix of free will and predetermined fate in our lives. In such technologically and scientifically advanced times, you may ask why I hold such an opinion. That is simply because I have come across too many coincidences and random lucky events to enable me to entertain any other notion. I will elaborate more on this in my next post.

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