Life and Love


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Love "Schism"

Quite often, we come across broken relationships, heart - breaks, strained bonds and more. Why? Mostly because of strangled, broken, or no communication and myriad misunderstandings.

Schism by Tool is a song that is very close and important to me. Besides the brilliant trance-like music, the amazing vocals and put together unique sound of the song and band, the lyrics speak to me. The lyrics, as I mentioned in my previous blog post, talk about how relationships (of any kind) suffer when there is a gap in communication between the two parties involved. It also talks of the desire people have to blame and pinpoint mistakes instead of finding a solution. In this song, the singer detaches himself from his messed up relationship for a minute and tries to analyze what went wrong, when, and why. Then he also finds a way to remedy the concerning issues and reiterates his belief and complete conviction that the relationship is possible and workable if they choose to make it work.

The two most striking lines in the song are “I know the pieces fit” (confirming his faith and trust in the relationship as this is repeated over and over) and “cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion between supposed lovers.” These lines spoke to me the most as it highlighted that the “strangled” communication is the one of the major reasons in the breakdown of relationships even if the relationship is one very likely to succeed. I could apply this to my personal life due to some trials that I went through (during senior year of high school) with friends and family. Those were troubled times for me, but times of great learning. I gained a lot of self confidence, self esteem, common sense, and a renewed belief in the importance of maintaining the right kind of relationships in one’s life. Those lessons and many more are ones that I learned the hard way. Schism, however, made the journey a lot easier. Music speaks to me like no other medium and this one fit the bill exactly.

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